Export this photo slideshow and share it with your lovers.

Adding text to complete your photo slideshow.Adding filters to change the color of pictures.Adding transitions to connect one picture to another.Now, you can use your imagination to create an outstanding photo slideshow. Lunch MiniTool MovieMaker, import your pictures, videos and music files via the Import Media Files button, and drag and drop these files to the storyboard. How to make a slideshow with music and pictures via the best slideshow maker for Windows 10? 3 Steps to Make a Photo Slideshow After that, you can share this cool video with friends. Select a template, then import your clips into those placeholders, and change these titles. If you don’t know anything about video editing, this is the quickest way to make a video. Each template is a pre-designed construct, with ready-made titles and effects, and a series of placeholders. MiniTool MovieMaker offers movie templates. Related article: 4 Easy Ways to Make Video from Pictures. Even newbie editors can grasp the best free photo slideshow maker to make a video with pictures and music. It comes for free on Windows PCs, along with basic features. MiniTool MovieMaker is a perfect fit for beginners. It can help you easily and quickly create photo slideshow without watermark. MiniTool MovieMaker, a newly released video editing tool, is the best slideshow maker for Windows 10/8/7 users.