
Two pass rendering
Two pass rendering

two pass rendering

The option is in the P3D Virtual Reality menu under Settings. Also, if you are running FlyInside now, you’ll lose a number of handy features in FlyInside. And as long as you are running FlyInside, I believe that blanks the P3D Virtual Reality menu. I don’t know that it was having run FlyInside that caused the DXGI message but suspect it was. Not terribly painful but I only had to do that because I deleted all configurations by using that utility. Then I had to a number of accessory and airplane reinstalls, setting my P3D configuration again, etc, to get everything back as it was before. I had to do some sleuthing to get the video driver thing sorted but it was running the DeleteGeneratedFiles utility in the main P3D directory that fixed it. xml files in the ProgramData/LockheedMartin/Prepar3dv4.3 directory (going by memory but that should be close) using notepad to change single-pass to stereo. There was more involved in recovering to where I could run single-pass, but to get P3D running again in regular stereo mode, I just edited the VirtualReality.cfg and. I enabled single-pass rendering and on P3D restart got a message that my video driver crashed because my video card was removed. It’s apparently a little finicky especially if you have used FlyInside. This cuts the load on the CPU almost in half and in CPU intensive applications like P3D that’s a big deal. In single-pass rendering, the CPU and GPU draw a field of view big enough to encompass both eye's fields of view but the GPU renders from the two viewpoints. The CPU and GPU do double the work of drawing the scene once. It also can only be done on 10 and 20 series cards.įor those who don’t know what it is, the most common way to render for VR is for the CPU and GPU to draw one eye's perspective and then the other. I didn’t know that single-pass wasn’t enabled by default, but it’s not.

two pass rendering

Of course I turned all sorts of graphics details up even more but that now has less effect on frame rates. I turned that on and my frame times went from a hair over 11 ms (which put me in reprojection) down to 7 ms (smooth as a baby bottom). I wasn’t using single-pass rendering. Worked pretty good but I was getting the tiny stutters as I turned my head. Hey guys, might be preaching to the choir but I recently stopped using FlyInside for VR in P3D and went native VR support.

Two pass rendering